"ARMY-2017": Patriot Park Presented All the Power of the Russian Army and Navy

International Military Forum "ARMY-2017" opened in the Moscow region today. Really, this is a huge exhibition of achievements of Russian defense enterprises. Here, you can see the best domestic weapons, tanks, airplanes, missiles, as well as equipment, and special equipment.
A separate section is devoted to the operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria. Vladimir Putin, in a special welcome to the participants and guests of the forum, called the exhibition an example of effective international cooperation. Alexander Kotsyuba reporting. All the power of the Russian army and navy on a single site of the International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2017."
In the Patriot Park, there are modern rocket and space systems, radio and electronic warfare equipment, and reconnaissance equipment. For example, the Kalashnikov Corporation presented its know-how, the latest development that allows to shoot down drones with the help of electromagnetic radiation. The airborne troops armament, systems with laser technologies, and many other developments are represented here.
President Vladimir Putin addressed the forum participants. It’s important that an active international dialogue is held on the forum platforms. Contacts are being established through military departments and enterprises by scientists and experts. The problems and challenges, ways of overcoming modern threats are examined in a substantive and professional manner. So, mutual trust is being strengthened. Only together, combining efforts and respecting the national interests of all countries, it’s possible to ensure effective, sustainable development for the benefit of millions of people.
Delegations from hundreds of foreign countries gathered at Patriot Park. Bilateral meetings of Defenсe Minister Sergei Shoigu with colleagues from other countries have already begun. Every year, our forum becomes larger. Today, more than 1,200 large domestic and foreign organizations will present their products to specialists and experts. We expect that the forum will make a significant contribution to strengthening international relations in military-technical cooperation, will benefit the establishment of a constructive dialogue with new foreign partners, and the closing of mutually beneficial contracts.
The first volleys from ultramodern guns are already heard at the Alabino training ground. The Military Show "Polite People" is being held for the guests of the "ARMY-2017" forum. Today, military equipment is being tested in fighting. It’s imitation of a real armed clash on land, in the air, and in the water. A tank battle under the cover of aviation is held at the test site, and in the pavilions of the forum, Russian defense companies report to the Minister about promising weapons. Tula armorers, for example, tell about the features of Pantsir-S air defense missile system. There are no comparable systems in the world.
The governor of the Tula Region, Alexey Dyumin, is also here. The agreement on cooperation with Rostec corporation has already been signed by the acting governor of the Yaroslavl Region, Dmitry Mironov. High Precision Systems holding will invest half a billion rubles into the development of the Rybinsk Raskat plant. This agreement is very important for us, as the range of products will be expanded.
The enterprise as a whole will develop, and the number of jobs created will be increased. The "ARMY-2017" forum is a unique event. There are no similar sites in the world. Guests will be able to get acquainted with the best examples of military equipment during this whole week.
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